Live Recording: Going Home (432 Hz)
Written in honor of Daniel Lee (November 24, 1957 - October 21, 2002)
Lyrics/Arrangement by Mikkel Lee/
Engineering and Production by Caleb Stein/
Filmed by Sierra Meyers
Piano/Vocals: Mikkel Lee
Guitar/Vocals: Karen Atkins
Bass: Rich Simpson
Cello/Vocals: Mich Lewis
Harmonica: Joe Sweeney
Drums: Joe Leonti
Today, on this day of gratitude, I am grateful for my dad. It is his birthday and he would have been 64.
I am grateful for the traits he embodied that I strive to attain: unconditionally loving, rarely judging, humble, unpretentious, open-hearted, FUN, and very wise.
I am grateful that he chose to become a family man at age 20, his first year away from home, as a freshman with a basketball scholarship at St. Martin’s College. It was the beginning of his adult life and the world was his oyster. Yet he (and my mom) chose unselfish love - they chose life, amidst the advice of some to choose abortion.
I am grateful for the beauty that came from his passing. I learned to embrace each day, never take my healthy body for granted, and not save chasing my dreams for a later time in life that isn’t guaranteed.
And I’m grateful for the clarity he brought to me in a dream shortly after his passing. The dream was an answer to my prayers and the inspiration for this song.
A few days after my dad’s soul left his body, I was painfully conflicted, tormented by my uncertainty of our true spiritual nature. I needed to know where the heck he was. My mom had her perspective and I had mine. One thing I knew for sure what that he was definitely still around. I strongly felt his presence, and do to this day.
Before bed one night I pleaded with God to bring me clarity. My dad then came to me in the most beautiful dream I’ve ever had. And his message was that my mom and I were both right.
He told me with the brightest, most luminescent and joyful smile, that he was going home. I understood that his spirit had moved on to exist with Jesus/Yeshua, in a realm where God’s love is experienced to the highest degree.
As he walked out the door of our home towards the woods, it was clear that his physical vessel would go lie with Earth for his energy to be reincorporated into all things. I’m reminded of this whenever I see an eagle, which always feels like a visit from him. I believe his spirit will someday again take physical form – maybe it already has.
Upon waking, I felt an immense sense of peace. God, through my dad, had directly answered my prayer.
The dream, which I remember vividly to this day, has served me well over the years. It ultimately gave me the confidence to embark on my own spiritual path, led by my heart and internal compass, and immune from external influence.
I know my dad is always with me. And I know death is simply a gateway to another state of being. Everything is God’s creation – we are God’s creation – and our place in the cosmos and true nature of origin are slowly being revealed.
We are remembering our exquisite power and there is nothing to fear.
What a gift.
Much love, Mikkel
This recording was conceived and executed in a very short amount of time. The musicians involved had about a week to work with the song before we met up for the first time and recorded that the same day. Despite the spontaneity, the gifted souls who supported the endeavor executed it beautifully.
My brilliantly creative daughter, Sierra, filmed it.
I almost didn’t release it due to its plethora of imperfections… It’s quite uncomfortable to share something in such a raw, unpolished form. I really look forward to working on a more refined version.
But the concept was to pull a version of this song together by my dad’s birthday and release it in his honor. I can hear him encouraging me to lose the fear and get it done.
So, this one’s for you, Dad.
I hope you enjoy.
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I loved this so much... raw and real. It has a little "Cowboy Junkies" feel to it, but I like the tone of your voice better.