System Truster or System Buster - Which Are You?
For those on the fence, this banned video may help
I didn’t want to widely share this video I recorded a year ago – I really didn’t. I was hoping the plethora of dire predictions extrapolated from the Pfizer Covid jab clinical trial data would be incorrect. I thought there was still a possibility that, despite mounting evidence to the contrary, the shots would cause minimal harm.
It is now blatantly clear this is not the case. With the corporate media fast at work to cover it all up and provide grand distractions, accounts of sudden deaths and life-changing side effects from the clot shot are rapidly accumulating. Related Facebook groups have gone viral, only to be suddenly scrubbed. But the people are persistent and new ones soon pop up. An abundance of resources are out there for those with eyes to see. <Please refer to the short list of groups/content/writers addressing this topic at the bottom of this piece.>
In November of 2021, in the days leading up to the rollout of the Pfizer Covid jab program for 5 to 11 year-olds, I recorded the video with the specific purpose of sharing with my closest relatives. I was distraught knowing that many loved ones would likely be seeking it for their children and felt compelled to share this information with them.
In the video, I review data directly from the CDC, FDA, HHS, and VAERS to illustrate that, clearly, and without question, the Covid “vaccine” would do more harm than good. My delivery is not professional or fancy… and I say “um” a lot. But the information presented is undeniable.
As I tried to explain in a rational, data-driven way, based on the initial clinical trial, the emergency use-approved Pfizer shot (approved for adults) was far from the miraculous healing product it was pitched to be. According to the HHS documents, Pfizer was required to fund an additional 13 multi-year post-marketing studies, mostly related to heart condition signals identified during the initial (pathetically brief) trial. These studies are ongoing for the next several years and will culminate in 2027. The initial trial, by the way, was only conducted with adult participants. The product was never tested on children.
I also perform real calculations to prove that children in this age range have a statistically zero percent chance of dying from Covid. The shot’s inability to prevent transmission, despite the system’s hard push to guilt people into taking it to protect Grandma, is also covered.
When I originally posted the video (privately) on YouTube, I shared it with a handful of friends to preview prior to sending it to my family. Within hours the video had been banned for “medical misinformation,” AKA telling the truth.
So, now it’s on Rumble. I did not intend to share it widely, but at this point, it seems appropriate. It clearly explains why we are seeing the heart conditions and deaths from the jab and it is my hope that it may help a few people decide to never again accept a needle-full-o’poison.
For anyone suddenly wondering why there is so much harm being caused by the shots and curious what went wrong, why we hadn’t been informed of the risks (as if we have somehow been blindsided), this video is for you.
It has become indisputable that the main players in this plandemic, including those involved with bringing the shots to market and administering them, knew the dangers of the jabs, yet mandated them anyway, repeatedly calling them “safe and effective.” The amount of misinformation that has been intentionally spread and the extent of manipulation they’ve perpetrated on the masses is enormous.
Incredulously, it was recently uncovered that the DOD has been running the Covid vaccine program since the very beginning, carrying out preconceived plans for the plandemic that dated back to Obama’s term.
That means that Operation Warp Speed, the clinical trial process, the emergency use authorization = all a show. They had the vaccine ready to go from the beginning (duh) and have been in full control of the public narrative and rollout. This has been about genocide and mass compliance all along.
The immensity of this truth is a devastation to all Americans, especially those who have dedicated their lives to serving the country they love. Censorship, media manipulation, deathly “medicine” being pitched as safe, government-sponsored mind control…. We don’t live in the country we think we do.
The Covid shot has continually been touted as safe and effective. The data shows it’s not. They have constantly guilted us into getting the shot for the greater good -- mandates are in place all over the world. There is no data to support any of it.
Have you ever seen a mainstream news story directly linking the shot to a death or major injury? My guess is no. (What about media coverage of any vaccine injury?) The media is complicit. Yet, according to VAERS, there have been more deaths and injuries from the two Covid shots listed than all other shots combined since they began tracking. As of this morning, reported incidents from the Covid jab accounted for 57.32% of the total. That means, of the 99 shots that have been passively monitored through VAERS since 1990, the two Covid jabs, since their rollout less than two years ago, are injuring and killing people at an alarmingly unprecedented rate.
Has your medical provider informed you of this? Do you still trust him/her?
Further, a Harvard study conducted from 2007-2010 revealed that less than 1% of total incidents were actually reported to VAERS. What did HHS do in response? NOTHING.
Here is the bottom line: The visible collective has bifurcated into two camps -- those who trust the system and those who do not. Generally, those who do not trust the system instead put their faith in a higher power. They envision humanity living under Natural Law – God’s Law. Those who trust the system must put their faith somewhere – that is human nature – so the system earns their steadfast support.
Yes, it is a possibility to both have faith in a higher power AND trust the system. In fact, many of us were there in the past. But our trust has been derailed by a series of events and awakenings that led us in another direction.
At some point, there was a trigger, a tipping point, and we clearly understood that the system is not looking after our best interests. This is a scary proposition, too much for many to even consider. But it’s the truth.
Awakening happens in stages and is usually provoked by the intake of compelling information. It is the duty of those of us who consume this type of information, which must be intentionally sought out, to share with others. This will hasten the collective awakening process and cause the least overall harm. This doesn’t mean shoving it in people’s faces… just try to broaden the reach and pay it forward.
For anybody approaching their precipice of comprehending the reality that world governments are not operating in the best interests of humanity and are in need of something to tip them over the edge, this film should help!
We are living through an internationally coordinated, government-induced genocide. We are being lied to and manipulated.
It’s of utmost importance to continually expose this because more lies are coming. There’s a rumor that they, via the mainstream media, will actually acknowledge the rise in sudden deaths. However, the word is they’ll try to blame it on long-Covid syndrome and climate change. Yes, that’s right!!! Climate change.
What. A. Joke.
I wonder how they’ll twist the rapid reduction in birth rates? Why does Handmaid’s Tale keep coming to mind? Here is one more insightful piece about falling birth rates and rising mortality rates. Yes, this is becoming quite alarming = time to wake up.
Please watch the video.
And, please share as much real information and as often as you are able; the tides are quickly turning. Truth always has a way of revealing itself, after all.
With love and in solidarity,
I am a Functional Nutrition Counselor, Certified Quantum Coach℠, and founder of Conscious Design Healing Arts, an Aethers Reach Private Ministerial Association project. Email me at:
Aethers Reach is a reader-supported, private ministerial association that is open for membership. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or donation-based subscriber. By subscribing, you’re agreeing to becoming a member. For the full membership agreement, please contact us.
Here is a short list of groups/content/writers addressing this topic (there are tons more, but I won’t overwhelm):
Corey’s Data Feed:
Kids, Covid, and Vaccines:
News from Underground:
Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter:
Popular Rationalism:
Died Suddenly Groups: /
Real Not Rare: /
The Ethical Skeptic:
Never Again (film):
Hi! Are you looking for a music video to be made for the song Uprising? I saw your post on Mandy. Please email and we can get started immediately!